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Five reasons to work at Spitex

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Five reasons to work at Spitex

There is a shortage of skilled workers in the care professions in Switzerland and many other European countries. This is no secret. The reason for this is that people are getting older and age-related illnesses are becoming more common. As a result, the need for nursing and medical services is increasing, but the number of skilled workers is not. There is therefore also a shortage of Spitex staff.

Spitex staff shortage: how does this happen?

In 2019, Spitex organizations in Switzerland employed a total of 24,755 professionals. They looked after 394,444 clients. This means that one Spitex professional looked after 15 to 16 clients - quite a lot.

If we look at the expected population pyramid in 2045, this figure will increase significantly. It is assumed that the number of people of working age will fall by around eight percent by then. Of the 24,755 Spitex specialists, only 22,775 will then be left.

The proportion of older people in the population, on the other hand, is likely to increase by nine percent. The number of senior citizens using Spitex services would then increase to 429,944. This means that 15 to 16 clients per professional will become 19.

This figure is likely to be even higher, as the number of single households and childless couples is also increasing. As a result, there will be fewer senior citizens who can rely on the support of a partner or children. They will therefore need help from other sources - such as Spitex.

If the number of employees in the healthcare sector does not increase, the shortage of Spitex staff will be an unstoppable consequence of this demographic trend.

How can the staff shortage in Spitex be counteracted?

The most important step in reducing the staff shortage in Spitex is, of course, the recruitment of new specialists. Work in these organizations needs to be advertised more effectively, as it requires significantly more attention.

Anyone who decides to work for a Spitex organization has a choice of different job profiles. There are also numerous career opportunities open to candidates.

There are numerous reasons for working for a Spitex organization. If they are communicated more publicly, more potential new professionals can be reached. And, of course, this is exactly what is needed to finally put an end to the staff shortage in Spitex.

These five reasons speak in favor of working for Spitex

The general conditions of professions in the health and care sector are often criticized. However, very few people talk about all the positive aspects that these jobs offer. There are numerous reasons to take up a job in Spitex - from the high social value to the enormous versatility.

1. a meaningful activity

Imagine if there were no professionals looking after people who are unable to cope with everyday life on their own. They would literally wither away in their own four walls. The work carried out by Spitex employees is of enormous value.

They are an indispensable pillar of society and deserve the highest esteem. Every day, they put a smile on the faces of their clients. Despite various limitations, they enable them to live a life that is truly worth living.

2. close contact with people

Many young professionals answer the question of what they want from their future job with "working with people". In hardly any other industry is there such close contact with other people.

Spitex specialists become an important support in the everyday lives of clients. Ideally, a close bond is quickly formed, allowing both sides to feel completely at ease. This closeness enables the professionals to respond particularly intensively to the needs of the clients. Nevertheless, a certain degree of professional distance must always be maintained.

3. versatility

Every client is unique. The same applies to life circumstances, personal histories and attitudes. Spitex professionals are constantly coming into contact with new people, but also with different clinical pictures. Due to the diversity of human contact, no two days are the same. There are always new challenges, exciting life stories and interesting places to live.

4. high degree of independence

Spitex specialists care for their clients at home. As a result, they bear a great deal of responsibility, as they have to decide for themselves what measures need to be taken in each individual case. Doctors and other nursing staff are not usually on site, so independent thinking and action is required. This goes hand in hand with a high degree of independence, which is what many future employees want. Every day, they have the chance to show what a great job they do. They prove time and again how they can master even difficult situations with flying colors.

5. high flexibility

Only those who can maintain a healthy work-life balance are happy in their job and perform well. This is precisely why Spitex organizations often offer their employees flexible working hours and part-time models. This means that family, hobbies and further training opportunities are not neglected. There is enough time for relaxation, so that clients can look forward to well-rested and positive professionals.

Spitex organizations offer these career opportunities

If you want to start a career in Spitex, you have a wide choice, because not all Spitex organizations are the same. There are organizations that concentrate on working with senior citizens. Others mainly care for children, while still others cover the entire spectrum of different clients.

There are also differences in terms of needs. Not all clients simply need support with coping with everyday life, taking medication or personal hygiene.

Some of them have very specific needs because they suffer from a mental illness, for example. Others, however, know that they are experiencing the last months, weeks or even days of their lives due to a terminal illness.

are just a few of the specialized areas in which specialists can work. The professions themselves are also diverse in nature. For example, those interested can opt for one of the following training courses:

  • Health and social care assistant
  • Healthcare specialist
  • Nursing specialist

Many people enter the world of work in a Spitex organization as a health and social care assistant. They accompany people who are dependent on support through everyday life and offer a helping hand in a wide variety of situations. For example, they help clients with personal hygiene, eating or carrying out household tasks.

If you decide to become a healthcare professional, you will take on nursing and medical tasks. This includes, for example, measuring blood pressure or administering medication. Organizational and administrative tasks are also part of the job description.

For their part, nurses form the linchpin between the medical staff and the clients. They organize and coordinate the care measures to be taken and always adapt them precisely to the current patient situation.

Find the right Spitex with us

The work that Spitex professionals do every day is invaluable to society. We at OPAN® would like to provide your relatives with these valuable services. That's why we support you in your search for the right organization. Please feel free to contact us!