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Capacity management

Capacity management

Efficient management and presentation of capacities

OPAN® capacity management is revolutionizing the way outpatient and inpatient aftercare institutions communicate their available places and how referring physicians use this information. It creates transparency, saves time and optimizes the referral process for everyone involved. With user-friendly input masks, flexible update options and detailed display functions, it offers a low-threshold, easy-to-use solution for the efficient management and communication of information on free places or the current occupancy rate or available capacity.

Advantages for referring physicians

Advantages for providers

  • Real-time availability:

    Immediate access to current capacity information

  • Detailed overview:

    Specific information on various offers and room categories

  • Time saving:

    Reduction of unnecessary telephone inquiries

  • Better planning:

    Sound basis for decisions on patient placement

  • Transparency:

    Clear presentation of availabilities and specific notes

  • Efficient administration:

    Easy updating of capacity data via an intuitive user interface

  • Flexibility:

    Possibility to specify exact numbers or general availability

  • Customizable reminders:

    Automatic notifications for regular updates

  • Improved capacity utilization:

    Optimization of occupancy through precise communication

  • Reduced administrative effort:

    Less time for telephone inquiries, more time for care

  • Less redundancy:

    No multiple transmission of capacity data to large hospitals

OPAN® Widgets

OPAN® offers providers the opportunity to seamlessly integrate their current capacities into their own website. Through a user-friendly widget, capacity data maintained in OPAN® is automatically displayed on the provider's website. This feature eliminates the need for duplicate data maintenance, increasing efficiency while promoting transparency to potential patients and referring physicians.

OPAN® solutions & functions

Registration / Assignment

Simple registration, efficient referral - OPAN® for optimal aftercare.

Messages & documents

The OPAN® “Messages & Documents” module enables the secure and encrypted transmission of documents up to 500 MB.


Transition management for social services and patient administration - efficient placement of rehab, nursing home and psychiatric patients.

Interfaces & integration

Seamless and flexible integration into specialist applications. Send and receive structured data with the OPAN® API.

Case communication

The OPAN® case communication module optimizes exchange and collaboration in the area of outpatient aftercare.

Capacity management

Efficient management and presentation of capacities. Agile capacity management for modern healthcare providers.