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Seamless integration and structured data transfer with the OPAN® API.

With the OPAN® API and integration interfaces, you can connect to various applications, whether as a referring institution/organization or as a provider processing applications.

Our flexible implementation options allow you to:

  • API native integration
  • Partial integration
  • URL parameter interface

Flexible integration for optimal adaptation to operational requirements and existing systems. Increases efficiency and improves data management. An always up-to-date OpenAPI spec documentation, including Postman collection and detailed process descriptions, supports the effective implementation and use of APIs with all necessary resources and instructions.

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OPAN® API V3 for Referrers (Senders)

  • The OPAN® API V3 is designed for referring institutions such as hospitals, clinics, practices and other healthcare services to send structured data to the OPAN® platform. It facilitates the referral process for patients transitioning to aftercare organizations.
  • Target group: Hospitals, clinics, medical practices and other healthcare organizations that refer patients to aftercare institutions.

  • Full API integration: The fully integrable API of OPAN® enables a seamless connection of your own specialist software to the OPAN® platform. OPAN® can be operated entirely via the API. However, this requires considerable integration effort and is particularly suitable for app providers.

  • Partial integration: With partial API integration, master data, documents and order information are transferred automatically. The system then generates a hash and a front-end URL that directs the user to the OPAN® interface. There, a suitable provider can be selected and the registration completed. Once submitted, all further interactions, including supplements and status queries, can be made via the API again. This method eliminates the need to implement GUIs in the specialist application. In addition, OPAN® takes over a large part of the business logic, which significantly reduces the integration effort and offers an efficient, developer-friendly solution.


  • Efficiency: Our API optimizes the remittance process by transferring structured data.
  • Flexibility: We offer both full and partial integration options that enable flexible, cross-system technical integrations.
  • User-friendly: OPAN® provides an intuitive user interface for interactions, ensuring ease of use and accurate data entry.
API documentation

Find more details and implementation guidelines in our OpenAPI spec documentation, which includes Postman collections and detailed descriptions of the entire process.

Open API Spec

OPAN® API V3 for Providers (Recipients)

The OPAN® API for providers is designed for organizations and institutions such as Spitex, nursing homes, rehabilitation clinics and psychiatric clinics that receive registrations via OPAN®. The main goal is to facilitate the receipt of structured data from the OPAN® platform.

  • Data reception: OPAN® enables aftercare institutions to efficiently download and process structured data from submitted registrations and requests.

  • Structured data: The API provides detailed, structured information based on the enrollment fields. The more comprehensive the data provided, the more robust the processing in the primary software system of the aftercare institutions.

  • Document access: Provides easy access to submitted documents and PDF summaries of enrollment details, including comments, internal notes and all relevant interactions.

  • Automation: Enables automatic updating of subsequently submitted information and documents, minimizing the administrative burden.

  • Compliance-compliant archiving: Supports long-term, legally compliant data storage at the customer by providing comprehensive summaries.
API documentation

Find more details and implementation guidelines in our OpenAPI spec documentation, which includes Postman collections and detailed descriptions of the entire process.

Open API Spec

OPAN® UPI (URL Parameter Interface)

The OPAN® UPI (URL Parameter Interface) provides a simplified method of sending structured data to the OPAN® platform using URL parameters. This integration method is ideal for fast and uncomplicated data transmission with certain restrictions.

  • Simplified data transfer: Uses URL parameters to send data, which simplifies implementation. However, the character limit is restricted to 2048 characters.

  • Fire-and-forget mechanism: Designed for one-time data transmission without the need for status updates and reference to the login (backlink).

  • Broker UPI: With a focus on manufacturers of practice software. In this version, the API key is linked to the practice software, not to the end recipient. Users must select their own practice or organization when submitting a registration, which enables flexible data forwarding. A practice software can thus integrate the OPAN® UPI once generically to enable access for all its users. This is particularly powerful with HIN Login, a supported functionality of the OPAN® platform.


  • Fire-and-forget principle: Once the data has been sent, there is no further automatic interaction with OPAN®. This corresponds to the process with the classic web form. Status updates or automatic feedback are not available in this mode. There is no direct backlink to the original application.
  • Restricted document upload: The parameter interface does not support direct document uploads. The regular browser upload form must be used to submit documents. This requires a separate step for document uploads.
UPI documentation

To access the UPI documentation and use the OPAN® UPI, you must register for a Developer Account.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do I obtain an API key?

    Register as a developer with OPAN®. In the developer account, you'll have access to a test organization and can retrieve the test API key. For production use, e.g., with a client (if you're a software provider), the client can provide you with the production API key.

  • What test environments does OPAN® provide?

    OPAN® offers three relevant system instances:

    • PRODUCTION: The live system for productive use.
    • TESTING: Test environment for integrators to test APIs and for automated tests. It matches the current production status.
    • STAGING: Acceptance system for new features before the production release. Updates are tested and approved here.
  • What data can be transmitted and retrieved?

    Via the API, you can transmit or retrieve all data and fields contained in the application form.

  • How do I create a support request or change request?

    Log in with your developer account and click on the support icon (?) at the bottom right. Submit your request through our ticketing system. This allows you to keep track of your request's status and prevents it from getting lost in an email inbox.