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Messages & Documents

Messages & Documents

Secure transmission, seamless communication

The OPAN® “Messages & Documents” module enables the secure and encrypted transmission of documents of up to 500 MB to service providers in outpatient aftercare, guaranteed by a standardized, transparently logged workflow.


The OPAN® module “Messages & Documents” represents an essential extension of our registration and assignment processes. It enables senders to send messages and documents directly via the OPAN® platform - without having to log in and regardless of how often they use it. This makes it particularly attractive for private individuals and occasional users without their own user account.

Simple process, maximum safety

With OPAN®, every transmission becomes a transparent and traceable process. Each message sent is given a unique number and triggers a notification that confirms the successful transmission to the sender and informs the recipient of the new message. Recipients can efficiently process the message within OPAN® and, if necessary, ask questions via the collaboration module. All interactions are fully documented. The transmission is encrypted.

Advantages for transmitters

Advantages for recipients

  • Secure transmission:

    Every message and every document you send via OPAN® is transmitted in encrypted form, protecting your data from unauthorized access. This offers you the security you need for the transmission of sensitive information.

  • Comprehensive logging:

    All actions, from the transmission to the final processing of your message, are precisely documented. This provides complete traceability and transparency, which is essential for efficient information management.

  • Efficient workflow:

    With OPAN®, every message is part of a clearly defined workflow. This guarantees that your transmissions are handled promptly and always processed, increasing the efficiency of your communication processes.

  • Large file transfer:

    Whether extensive patient files or detailed medical images, OPAN® enables the transmission of documents up to 500 MB. This facilitates the secure exchange of large files and supports comprehensive documentation.

  • Secure data reception:

    As a recipient, you can rest assured that all messages and documents received via OPAN® are transmitted securely and encrypted. This ensures the protection of sensitive information and meets the highest data protection standards.

  • Accessibility:

    Messages and documents can be received securely and protected without the need for additional software. This simplifies the access and handling of incoming information.

  • Efficient sizing capacity:

    With the ability to receive files up to 500 MB, OPAN® offers the flexibility to handle even large amounts of information securely and efficiently.

  • Seamless integration:

    The ability to integrate OPAN® Messages & Documents as a widget on your own website not only improves the accessibility of your services, but also demonstrates your commitment to data protection and secure communication to your customers.

Message workflow

The workflow for processing documents and messages is divided into clearly defined statuses that reflect the progress of a message from its creation to final processing. A message begins in the “DRAFT” status, in which it remains as long as it is not sent. This status allows the sender to edit and customize the message until all necessary information has been entered.

As soon as all the required fields have been filled with valid data, the message can be sent. When the message is sent, the status changes to “OPEN”. This indicates that the message has been successfully transmitted and has now been received by the recipient, ready for the next processing phase.

In cases where the recipient requires additional information or cannot process the message immediately, the status is set to “IN CLARIFICATION”. This indicates that further clarification is required. As soon as all the necessary actions have been carried out, the status is changed to “PROCESSED”.

These carefully structured status transitions in the OPAN® workflow ensure efficient and traceable processing of every message, with each step clearly defined and offering both senders and recipients security in the communication process.

Dialog for efficient collaboration

In addition to the clearly structured workflow in the OPAN® “Messages & Documents” module, the integrated case communication module offers extended options for a context-specific exchange between senders and recipients. This module is designed to support both internal and external comments, creating a multi-layered level of communication that goes beyond simple messaging.

This contextual collaboration creates a dynamic dialog that allows for quick clarification of open questions and efficient coordination. All communication is logged and traceable. The case communication module thus adds an important dimension to the workflow that not only improves the quality of communication, but also deepens and accelerates collaboration between the parties involved.

OPAN® Widgets

Integration into your own website

OPAN® offers specially developed widgets that can be seamlessly integrated into your website. Show your customers and partners that you take data protection and secure communication seriously. With OPAN®, the secure transmission of messages and documents becomes an integral part of your online presence - simple, secure and accessible to everyone.

OPAN® solutions & functions

Registration / Assignment

Simple registration, efficient referral - OPAN® for optimal aftercare.

Messages & Documents

The OPAN® “Messages & Documents” module enables the secure and encrypted transmission of documents up to 500 MB.


Transition management for social services and patient administration - efficient placement of rehab, nursing home and psychiatric patients.

Interfaces & integration

Seamless and flexible integration into specialist applications. Send and receive structured data with the OPAN® API.

Case communication

The OPAN® case communication module optimizes exchange and collaboration in the area of outpatient aftercare.

Capacity management

Efficient management and presentation of capacities. Agile capacity management for modern healthcare providers.