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Case Communication

Case communication

Redefining efficient collaboration in the healthcare sector

The OPAN® case communication module is the answer to the growing need for efficient, transparent and secure collaboration within and between healthcare facilities. By integrating advanced commenting capabilities, OPAN® enables smooth internal and external communication, which is the foundation for successful patient care and transition.


Recipients and senders of registrations, messages or inquiries benefit from the option of exchanging information on the current case directly within the system. This central function facilitates communication and supports seamless collaboration between all parties involved. It enables users to share relevant comments, information and documents, clarify questions and communicate important updates in the context of a request.

Internal and external exchange

The OPAN® case communication module is characterized by the intelligent distinction between internal and external comments. Internal comments remain hidden within your own organization and are used for coordination between teams, even across locations. External comments, on the other hand, are visible to enquirers and ensure that all relevant parties are always informed of the latest status. This clear separation promotes efficient, targeted communication and prevents important information from getting lost in the flood of emails.

Benefits for OPAN® Users

  • Centralized communication:

    The case communication module simplifies the exchange between recipients and senders of registrations, messages or inquiries by providing a central platform for comments and discussions.

  • Clear separation of communication levels:

    The distinction between internal and external comments enables targeted and secure communication within the organization and with external partners.

  • Efficient information management:

    The comment function facilitates the transmission of relevant information, the clarification of questions and the provision of updates, thereby reducing misunderstandings and loss of information.

  • Improved transparency and traceability:

    The chronological comment history provides a complete overview of the entire communication process for a request, which makes the decision-making and processing history traceable.

  • Data protection and security:

    OPAN® takes care to protect sensitive patient data by not sending any comment content by e-mail, but only notifications of new comments that can be viewed within the system.

  • Integration and accessibility:

    Comments and attachments can be recorded and retrieved via interfaces, which facilitates integration into existing systems and processes.

Notifications and comment tracking

To protect the confidentiality of patient data, OPAN® does not send the content of comments by e-mail. Instead, authorized users receive notifications of new comments, which can then be viewed within the OPAN® system. Users have the option of customizing notification settings and storing central addresses for notifications. Comments can be marked as read after editing, and the entire history is accessible for transparent communication and tracking.

Chronological commentary process and interfaces

The chronological comment history provides a comprehensive overview of the entire communication history of a request. This facilitates the tracking of decision-making processes and the documentation of processing steps. Comments are also visible in generated PDF documents and can be retrieved via interfaces for further processing or archiving.

Partial orders (in 2025)

The importance of interprofessional collaboration is constantly growing. Organizations within OPAN® can create sub-orders from received notifications and requests and pass them on internally or to partner organizations. These partial orders include a selection of relevant information from the original notification, supplemented by specific instructions for the executing organization.

In the area of Spitex, for example, this can mean that a registration for domestic support is forwarded to a specialized partner organization in the form of a partial order, or that a registration for assisted living entails additional Spitex care services. The communication functions and case-related exchanges will also be possible on partial orders so that necessary details can be clarified transparently and comprehensibly.

OPAN® solutions & functions

Registration / Assignment

Simple registration, efficient referral - OPAN® for optimal aftercare.

Messages & documents

The OPAN® “Messages & Documents” module enables the secure and encrypted transmission of documents up to 500 MB.


Transition management for social services and patient administration - efficient placement of rehab, nursing home and psychiatric patients.

Interfaces & integration

Seamless and flexible integration into specialist applications. Send and receive structured data with the OPAN® API.

Case communication

The OPAN® case communication module optimizes exchange and collaboration in the area of outpatient aftercare.

Capacity management

Efficient management and presentation of capacities. Agile capacity management for modern healthcare providers.