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Spitex and caregiving relatives: a step into the future?

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Spitex and caregiving relatives: a step into the future?

There is a shortage of staff in Spitex. This problem is omnipresent and difficult to solve. Numerous employees are leaving the profession due to their age, but there is a lack of replacements. However, there are more and more people in need of care with fewer staff. Family caregivers could solve this problem.

How can family caregivers support Spitex?

The Swiss population is getting older and older. The reasons for this are steadily improving living conditions, the absence of wars and very good medical care. These are all valuable achievements, but they pose a major challenge for nursing care. From a certain age, some activities become increasingly difficult. Living alone in one's own four walls is then often no longer possible.

This is where the Spitex staff become active. But at a certain point, their capacities are also exhausted. To ensure that all Swiss people who need support are still cared for, family caregivers are becoming increasingly important.

Care provided by family members and other close relatives has numerous advantages:

  • They know the person requiring care and their needs very well.
  • There is a strong relationship of trust between the two parties.
  • The person requiring care and the relatives often live under the same roof.
  • The person receiving care feels comfortable and safe in the presence of their relative and is not afraid to express their wishes and needs.

How can family caregivers acquire the necessary knowledge?

The work of Spitex employees is preceded by years of training and experience. Relatives who work outside the medical or care sector do not have any of this. So how can comprehensive care still be guaranteed?

Various training options are available for this purpose. Attending a care assistant course is necessary in order to meet the qualification requirements. The Spitex and health insurance associations are currently clarifying the circumstances under which family carers can be employed without such qualifications.

According to a federal court ruling from 2019, no training is required to provide basic care services. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that acquiring these skills is highly recommended for the well-being of the person receiving care.

After gaining the qualification, family caregivers can become part of an employment model. They then receive an employment contract from a Spitex organization. This gives them the same rights and obligations as regular Spitex staff.

The Spitex organization decides the scope of the employment. The same applies to the salary level. It goes without saying that family carers are also remunerated in such a model.

In terms of the amount of time required, the individual care needs of the person requiring care are decisive. In order to define this, a care professional carries out a professional needs assessment. This is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the Nursing Services Ordinance. In most cases, the needs assessment results in a part-time workload for the family carer.

The Spitex organization is responsible for ensuring that a high quality of work is maintained at all times. At the same time, it is also responsible for the health and well-being of the relatives. During working hours, the family carers are also covered by Spitex's public liability insurance.

Is employment only possible under an administrative contract?

There are a few Spitex organizations that have not signed up to an administrative contract. Nevertheless, they have specialized in employing family carers. This means that they can already provide basic care without attending a care assistant course.

In this model, the Spitex organization is also responsible for ensuring a high quality of service. Both the health insurance companies and the supervisory authority take a critical look at the work provided.

This business model was the subject of much controversy for a long time. One argument in its favor is that family caregivers can become active quickly and without great effort. However, the model has been criticized because the billable services for basic care allow for a high margin.

The reason for this is that family caregivers generally receive a gross wage of CHF 33.50. This corresponds to the hourly wage for a carer. This corresponds to the hourly wage for the assistance contribution according to disability insurance. Measured against the standard costs for services relating to basic care, around CHF 55 per service hour remains in the company.

Can family carers also provide Spitex with more intensive support?

Family caregivers are not only tied to supporting their own family members. If they have the necessary qualifications and time, they can also care for other people. Their work then extends beyond their own family and relieves the burden on Spitex in particular.

What benefits do family caregivers enjoy?

If family carers are employed by a Spitex organization, they have the opportunity for intensive exchange with others. They are in close contact with other family members who provide care. At the same time, they can get valuable advice from specialists at any time. If they are unsure about certain topics, the carers are there to help and advise them.

In addition, family caregivers have access to specialist literature that they can use to educate themselves.

Not forgetting social security. Contributions to social insurance and the pension fund are paid on their behalf. If family carers work at least eight hours a week, they are also insured against accidents and occupational illness.

In addition, employing family carers in Spitex offers a valuable opportunity on the job market. This can be a first step towards re-entering the world of work if gainful employment has been given up due to caring responsibilities. Among other things, family caregivers receive work references, which can be very useful when applying for jobs.

In addition, gaps in the CV can be avoided or at least reduced in this way. Anyone who has had to give up their own employment due to caring for a relative may be able to maintain an uninterrupted chain of employment.

Find the right Spitex with OPAN®

We at OPAN® are well aware of the shortage of specialists in the Spitex sector. That's why it's important to us to help you find the best facility for your loved one. To this end, we have developed our online patient registration platform. Thanks to it, you are only a few steps away from finding the right Spitex.

First, enter the zip code of your relative who needs support. Any Spitex organizations in the vicinity will then be displayed. You can now choose together which organization suits you and your relative best. Once you have made a decision, enter your relative's personal details.

An employee from the chosen Spitex will then contact you. This will be followed by an initial personal discussion in which you explain what kind of support your relative needs. In return, the Spitex staff will explain what services they offer. You are now free to decide whether or not to sign a contract.

We at OPAN® support you in your search for the right Spitex and are on hand to advise you. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about family caregivers. Please get in touch with us.