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health-engine | the i-engineers

health-engine | the i-engineers

As a market-leading company, we have been developing software products since 2002 and offer health-engine®, a proven solution for digitalizing complex processes in healthcare.


the i-engineers AG
Badenerstrasse 141
CH-8004 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 576 92 46

health-engine® - Basis for Digitalization

The health-engine® is the central system that processes and consolidates medical and administrative data from all specialist applications, making them accessible from anywhere. The seamless integration and communication with existing hospital information systems (HIS) and all relevant peripheral systems is unique in the market. By implementing open interfaces, interoperable standards, and non-proprietary data storage, a robust infrastructure is built that connects all actors and enables central optimization, automation, and control of processes.


The health-engine® not only connects systems within a facility but also networks actors across clinic boundaries. As an interoperability platform, it connects hospitals, the outpatient sector, and our partner network, especially OPAN.

Proven Track Record

Through our comprehensive experience and expertise, we have been successfully implementing the digitalization requirements of over 300 clinics of all sizes since 2002.

Highest Compliance and Security Standards

Our solutions meet all relevant security standards and data protection regulations, supported by regular security audits.

More than Technology

Our approach encompasses not only the technical aspects of digitalization but also the integration and support of all employees. By thoroughly familiarizing ourselves with existing system complexities, we implement necessary changes step by step, thus facilitating the transition to an efficient digital future.

Standardized Workflows

Through standardized workflows, we can immediately implement individual user requirements, act quickly, and realize innovative solutions. Our track record in implementing in healthcare facilities and the multitude of satisfied clinic customers makes us a future-proof technology partner.