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Registration request

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Spitex • SpitexCare GmbH

Online application

OPAN® is a web-based online registration system that allows you to send us your registration quickly and securely.

Process based
Around the clock

Documents & Messages

This service allows you to transmit documents and messages securely and reliably.

Up to 500MB per file
Safer than email

Office hours

Mo 00:00-23:59
Di 00:00-23:59
Mi 00:00-23:59
Do 00:00-23:59
Fr 00:00-23:59
Sa 00:00-23:59
So 00:00-23:59
Normal capacity

Normal capacity

Short Profile

The company offers various services for the care of people in need of care in the Zurich and Aargau area. As a member of the private Spitex Association (ASPS), the company pursues the goal of optimally supporting people in maintaining and promoting their independence.

In addition to the usual basic and treatment care, the range of services includes support in everyday life situations that pose a major challenge for older people. The company can count on excellently trained and multilingual staff.

The business model is market-oriented and fulfills the wish of many older people: to spend their retirement years in their own four walls.

In order to consolidate quality in the market, a network with an advisory function is required. We make a valuable contribution to society so that outpatient care and support remain affordable. Thanks to initiative, efficiency and professionalism, we enable older people to live as long as possible, independently, at home and ensure that they receive exactly the help and support they need.

Just take a look at our website and find out more about our company.


SpitexCare is an ambitious company in the field of private care, support and housekeeping services in the health and social sector throughout Switzerland.