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Spitex special treatments & care

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Spitex special treatments & care

Thanks to their numerous services, Spitex organizations ensure that clients can continue to live in their familiar surroundings. They take care of medical and nursing concerns in equal measure. However, some people have special needs. Depending on the individual case, they are provided with individual Spitex special treatments.

These treatments can vary greatly. For example, services in wound care or stoma treatment are possible, as well as carrying out and accompanying infusion therapies.

What do Spitex special treatments look like in wound care?

Professional wound care is always necessary when complicated or chronic wounds are present. They must be treated individually in order to avoid possible complications. The aim is for them to heal quickly and cause as little pain or other discomfort as possible.

This requires very close cooperation between the Spitex specialists and the doctors treating the patient. They all need to be very familiar with the characteristics of the wound in order to provide the best possible support for healing.

The specialists who carry out this specialist home care treatment have in-depth knowledge of wound healing. Depending on the current wound healing phase, they take care of applying the appropriate wound dressings.

They also ensure that the wound is clean at all times. This prevents it from becoming infected due to a lack of hygiene. This would not only lead to unpleasant pain, but would also interrupt the wound healing process.

How does wound care work?

Poorly healing wounds can severely impair quality of life. This is especially true if they repeatedly bleed, ooze or cause considerable pain. The aim of wound care is to prevent such complications as far as possible. To this end, wound care must be perfectly tailored to the individual needs of the client.

To this end, Spitex specialists check the condition of the wound at regular intervals. They also determine how it is behaving and how it has reacted to previous care. Their needs change depending on the wound healing phase, which is why adjustments to care are always necessary.

The wound care experts first examine the wound carefully and clean it. If there are any foreign bodies that they cannot easily remove, a visit to the doctor is necessary. As soon as the specialists have carefully cleaned the wound, the treatment can begin.

The next step is to choose the right wound dressing. It is important that it offers sufficient protection against external influences. At the same time, an exchange of substances must still be possible. The wound dressing must be able to absorb leaking fluid, but must not dry out the skin area. Otherwise the healing process will be severely impeded.

What special Spitex treatments do the specialists carry out in ostomy care?

A stoma is an artificial bowel outlet. It connects the organ to the surface of the body. Stoma systems may be necessary in the following cases, for example:

  • bowel evacuation disorders
  • after surgical removal of the rectum
  • Dysfunction due to inflammatory diseases or bowel cancer

A distinction is made between the colostomy, which is attached to the large intestine, and the ileostomy, which forms an artificial outlet on the small intestine. A stoma is often located around ten centimetres from the navel.

It is usually positioned so that it protrudes slightly above the level of the skin. This makes it easier to drain the stool into the associated supply bag.

What do Spitex specialists do for people with stoma?

It may be necessary to wear a stoma temporarily or permanently. In both cases, comprehensive stoma hygiene and care is necessary. Both are part of the special Spitex services provided by stoma consultants. They work closely with the attending physicians, dieticians and all nursing staff involved.

The ostomy consultants not only support clients. They also advise them on how to deal with their stoma and train them in how to use it correctly. The aim is to enable stoma wearers to look after themselves as far as possible despite their special circumstances. In this way, they can continue to live as independently as possible.

It is important to know that continence is not maintained in stoma patients. This means that affected clients are not able to control when stools are passed. It is therefore all the more important that the stoma bags are fitted correctly and replaced regularly.

If clients are unable to perform this task optimally on their own or under supervision, the specialists will help. Nevertheless, the first step is correct instruction. The independence of people with stoma should be maintained for as long as possible. Only if necessary do the specialists completely relieve them of the work associated with the stoma.

What happens during infusion therapies?

Infusion therapies have different faces. In most cases, clients are given painkillers, antibiotics or necessary vital substances. As a rule, such therapies take place in an inpatient setting. However, if they are necessary on a long-term basis, this does not have to stand in the way of discharge from hospital. Thanks to appropriate Spitex special services, clients can still return home.

Spitex staff ensure that therapy continues as prescribed. They place the necessary access lines and replace the infusion bags or bottles. They also ensure that no complications such as inflammation develop at the puncture site in the skin.

They also ensure that the site is always well protected. This is the only way the specialists can ensure that the access point does not accidentally open and the treatment is interrupted.

The following also applies to infusion therapy: close cooperation with the attending physicians is essential. It is not just a matter of the Spitex specialists adhering to the infusion plan.

They also provide the doctors with valuable feedback on the client's state of health. In this way, they can work together to ensure optimal care at all times.

Your way to make use of special Spitex services

In order to be able to make use of special Spitex services such as wound care, stoma advice or infusion therapy at home, the right organization is required. At OPAN®, we can help you find a nearby Spitex that provides exactly the services your relative needs.

Simply enter the zip code on our website. A list of all Spitex organizations in the vicinity will appear. Now you can choose which organization you would like to contact first. A person in charge will get back to you quickly so that you can discuss everything else.

Do you have any questions about how our platform works? Do you need help finding a suitable Spitex or would you like advice on the subject? We are here for you! Get in touch with us by filling out our form. You can also reach us by e-mail or telephone.