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Long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes

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Long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes

Long-term care faces numerous challenges - from staff shortages to changing health requirements. These issues require innovative solutions and efficient information channels to ensure the best possible care. How can the sector meet these requirements and maintain the quality of long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes?

What are the current challenges of long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes?

The factors behind the fact that long-term care is at a critical point are well known:

  • Increasing life expectancy is leading to a growing number of older people requiring professional care.
  • Demographic change requires a comprehensive rethink in long-term care. There is a shortage of qualified nursing staff. The ongoing staff shortage and the associated high workload can lead to burnout and staff turnover.
  • Care requires specialization. For diseases such as dementia or wound care, trained staff and continuous further training are required. Digitalization and the associated issues of data protection and data security are becoming increasingly important.
  • Cost pressure in the healthcare sector is constantly increasing. Efficient solutions are required to maintain and improve the quality of care.

How will technology influence the future of long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes?

Technological advances are increasingly shaping the future of long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes. Telemedicine (e.g. video, apps, telephone calls) enables patients to be cared for remotely. This is invaluable, particularly in the event of staff shortages. Sensors and wearables also provide good services. They continuously collect valuable health data and can help to identify health problems at an early stage.

Robotics is also becoming an increasingly important topic. Robots can already take over tasks in areas such as administering medication and assisting with mobility.

Closely related to this and currently on everyone's lips is the use of artificial intelligence. For example, it offers the potential to identify patterns in patient data and create personalized care plans by collecting data. Virtual reality and augmented reality are increasingly being used for training nursing staff and in therapeutic applications.

How can staff development in long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes be improved?

The population in Switzerland is growing. Official bodies are forecasting up to 11.4 million citizens by 2050. In comparison: in 2018, the figure was 8.5 million. Detailed information on this can be found at the Federal Statistical Office.

Further facts can be found in the "Kenndatenbuch Langzeitversorgung 2022", published by the Canton of Zurich Health Department. At the end of 2022, the canton of Zurich had 17,866 beds in 259 care homes. This corresponds to a rate of 65 long-term beds per 1000 inhabitants over the age of 65. The average bed occupancy rate in 2022 was 88.8% - a slight increase on the previous year.

These figures are impressive and the demand for long-term care will continue to rise. But this is a complex area. Geriatric expertise, palliative care, psychological care and expertise in living wills and emergency directives are just a small sample of the skills required.

In view of the already prevailing shortage of skilled staff, one question inevitably arises. How can positive staff development in long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes be improved?

Some approaches include:

  • Continuously update training programs
  • Improve working conditions in long-term care (financial incentives, opportunities for professional development)
  • Flexible working time models
  • Promoting interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Emphasizing the importance of long-term care in the public eye and thus sustainably strengthening personnel development

What role does client and resident orientation play in long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes?

In long-term care, client and resident orientation is not only an organizational necessity, but also an ethical imperative. This is because each person has their own needs and an individual medical history. Cultural and social backgrounds as well as the emotional and psychological needs of each client or resident must also play a role. This dimension of orientation goes beyond pure medical care.

In addition, clients and residents are often well informed and want to be actively involved in decision-making processes. This requires transparent communication and comprehensive information. It is equally important to involve and inform relatives, who often play a central role in the care process.

Technological solutions such as OPAN can help to improve the exchange of information and communication in the healthcare sector. It goes without saying that data protection and data security are top priorities and are guaranteed at all times.

How can Spitex services and nursing homes work together more effectively?

In future, there will be a strong focus on close cooperation between Spitex services and care homes. The joint use of infrastructures and support services for administrative tasks and the establishment of joint specialist units offer synergy opportunities. Innovative approaches such as the development of integrated care concepts can also significantly improve the quality and efficiency of care. These include, for example, neighborhood or intergenerational homes or the targeted training of staff.

However, the success of such collaborations depends on various factors. Modern IT structures for efficient communication and data management are one aspect. Other prerequisites are mutual trust and a shared culture of values.

OPAN: Effiziente Online-Patientenanmeldung und mehr

Digitalization and networking are transforming the healthcare sector. As the leading platform for online patient registrations in the field of Spitex services, OPAN is revolutionizing communication between relatives, patients, Spitex organizations and medical practices. Electronic networking speeds up information paths and at the same time makes them safer and more precise. The result is a significant increase in efficiency, time savings and a maximum level of data protection and data security.

At OPAN, we go far beyond the possibilities of a simple registration platform. Our system connects professional referrers and private individuals with Spitex organizations without the need for additional software. Integrated interfaces optimize the connection to various specialist applications for both referring physicians and organizations.

Registration with OPAN is straightforward:

1. registration for institutions and practices:

  • After entering the patient's zip code or the Spitex location, the responsible organization can be found.
  • Personal details, health insurance company, family doctor and Spitex order are entered. The registration can be sent securely and easily electronically at any time.
  • If necessary, the selected organization can provide advice and clarify any unanswered questions.

2. registration for relatives and private individuals:

  • By providing personal details, health insurance, family doctor and Spitex order, the registration can be sent securely and easily electronically. This can be done for yourself or another person (relatives, acquaintances, etc.).
  • The selected organization will call the applicant back and, if necessary, provide advice and clarify any questions. If a private Spitex organization is selected, the callback will be made within two office hours.

The OPAN system is available around the clock. The advantages and innovations of the system are shaping the future of Spitex care. Would you like to find out more about your individual options with OPAN? Then simply get in touch with us! Whether long-term care in Spitex and nursing homes or other topics that are close to your heart: Our team of experts will be happy to advise you.